
57’ Paul Widdowson shell with semi-trad stern
Constructed with 10mm base plate, 6mm hull sides, 4mm cabin sides, & 4mm roof
Shell fabricated with pre-blasted & factory primed steel
4no. hull side galvanic anodes, 2no. thruster tube anodes
2.9 tonnes of ballast
4no. 44 x 22” full-hopper double glazed thermal break bonded windows with tinted glass
4no. 18” full-hopper double glazed thermal break bonded portholes with tinted glass
2no. 36” side hatches, with fixed double glazed bonded windows with tinted glass
460 litre stainless steel water tank
205 litre integrated diesel tank
3no. bow lockers
2no. stern lockers

Mothership Marine PMAC electric propulsion motor, 48v, 15kW
18” diameter x 13” pitch, 3 blade propellor
(Originally fitted with Vetus E-Line)
Vetus Bow-Pro proportional bow thruster, 48v, 76kgf
Mase Mariner 610B 5.6kW diesel generator, with 12” x 32” hospital silencer

10no. mono-crystalline flexible solar panels, 2,538 watts output
6no. Pylontech US300C Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries, 48v, 21.3kWh
Victron Quattro Inverter Charger 48V, 8kva, 110amp charging
Victron BlueSolar Charge Controller MPPT 150v/60amp
Victron Isolation Transformer, 3,600W
Victron Cerbo GX battery monitor & communicator with touch screen display
2no. Victron DC-DC step down converter 48v-24v, 16amp
24v LED recessed cabin lighting & 4no.12v LED spotlights
12no 230v AC double power outlets
10no. 12v DC power outlets inc USB outlets

Paint system & decking:
Pre-blasted & factory primed steel
2 pack epoxy primer above water line
Single pack undercoats & top coats
Flexiteek decking forward & aft
2 pack epoxy blacking, inc base plate underside

Reflek’s 2000kv diesel stove with back boiler & cast iron cooking top plate, 4.2kW
3no. cast iron double column radiators
75 litre horizontal calorifier, heated from generator, stove, & 1kW immersion

Onboard equipment:
Siemens iQ700 twin induction hob, 3.7kW
Samsung NQ50J5530 electric combi oven/microwave, 2.5kW
Swan 24v fridge/freezer 208 litre capacity
Huawei 5G mobile onboard WiFi Router
Poynting Cross Polarised 5G Omni-directional LTE Antenna
Starlink Satelite internet
Cello 24” 12v TV
Cinderella Motion LPG incineration toilet